October 31 2020
Wear a costume and of course your filtration mask…social distancing…wash your hands in between partners.

LATIN & SWING MIX  5:30-7   —– still some spots!
Music mix:  Heavy on Latin & Swing.  Lots of Cha Cha, East Coast Swing, Rumba, Salsa,  Bachata, Sprinkles of Waltz, Nightclub 2-Step, Hustle, Argentine Tango, Merengue… and requests.

BALLROOM & SOCIAL MIX  7:30-9pm —– Full.  Waiting list available
Music mix:  Heavy on Ballroom Smooth Social mix.  Lots of Waltz, Cha Cha, West Coast Swing, Tango, Country 2-Step, Rumba, Nightclub 2-Step.  Sprinkles of Salsa,  Bachata, Hustle, Samba… and requests.

Contact Details
EMAIL or call us on 503.241.0460.
BEAVERTON (near Aloha) 3425 SW 185th Ave., 97006
NE PORTLAND (Parkrose) 4848 NE 105th Ave.,97220
Click HERE for location, maps and directions.

We ask that you be feeling 100% or take a sick day.  

We encourage partner changes in classes, but up to the individual.  Events are all-ages.

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