Week of January 24th In-Person Classes and Events

Week of January 24th In-Person Classes and Events

Wednesday January 27
Hi All!

There are new IN-PERSON classes and parties coming up this week that you may be interested in joining!   And state mandates allow for only 6 person attendance.

As you can imagine spots could go VERY QUICKLY, so sign up soon!
Trouble getting registered?  Call linda or email
*Filtration masks are required at this time.


Contact Details
EMAIL or call us on 503.241.0460.
BEAVERTON (near Aloha) 3425 SW 185th Ave., 97006
NE PORTLAND (Parkrose) 4848 NE 105th Ave.,97220
Click HERE for location, maps and directions.

We ask that you be feeling 100% or take a sick day.  

We encourage partner changes in classes, but up to the individual.  Events are all-ages.

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