DanceWell PDX Studio Monthly Newsletter -March

DanceWell PDX Studio Monthly Newsletter -March

Here is our updated Newsletter and March Calendar. Enjoy!


WOW!  It’s unbelievable!  The end of March will begin SPRING BREAK vacations for Oregon schools!  Happening so fast!  REMEMBER Earlybird preregistration discouonts end last day of FEBRUARY.    

  1. February 23rd 4th Sunday Mini-Dance.  This Sunday in Aloha!
  2. February 25th: Silver FOXTROT 1-day Workshop -in Parkrose.  PREREGISTER ASAP
  3. February 28th 4th Friday Social -lesson RUMBA -in Parkrose
  4. March 1  1st Saturday Social -lesson SWING  -in Aloha
  5. NEW! Every Thursday at Noon we will hold a Mini-Dance at Parkrose PDX especially for those who’d rather not drive at night.  12-1:30pm.  And a dance class at 11am with Linda
  6. NEW!  Every Tuesday night in Parkrose PDX we will hold a mini-dance 8:30-10pm
  7. NEW!  Wednesday Afternoon Dance Classes in Parkrose PDX with Judy and Syd.  12pm & 1pm
  8. RockEnroll Unlimited membership for $125.  This is a great deal for those taking at least 3 group classes per week
  9. Scroll down for the MARCH CALENDAR image

*It always saves $$ to prepay but if dropping in check DAILY CALENDAR UPDATES to confirm classes and events first.
*Online Booking ends 1 day before a class; Earlybird Prepay ends last day of the prior month.  We’re happy to register for you.  
Cash, Credit/Debit Cards and ACH. No fees for ACH. To add ACH online: My Profile / Billing / Add ACH Account.  Or call us on 503-241-0460. 

Log in to check out the SPECIAL EVENTS LIST.  Some events are planned for future months.



Here is the general list of events coming up next month.  Log in to view SPECIAL EVENTS in future months.





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2. TEXT MESSAGES:  Choose and type a reply.
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3.  Not receiving TEXT reminders? Check your phone spam folder for this text-only number: (503) 850-0828or if you at some time in past listed STOP in the SMS stream type in START.
4. Want to view our Newsletters online?  Click the link for the DanceWell PDX Home page, then click on the BLOG

–Trouble booking classes quickly?   START ON THE HOME PAGE:   WWW.DANCEWELLBALLROOM.COM 
a.  Check out printable
CALENDAR x2 -Preview Only
Login, type the name of the dance in the SEARCH BAR > Register
c.  Missed the Booking Window?  View DAILY CLASS UPDATES from the Home Page, create an account and pay cash onsite. *You can also BOOK from this Calendar.
d.  Can’t book Intermediate or Advanced class? If you feel you have the skills for an Intermediate or Advanced class, contact Linda’s email to have your Skill Level badge upgraded.

— Issues logging in?  Ask for another Welcome Email.  Call us on 503-241-0460 or email for help.


Aloha Grange Ballroom   3425 SW 185th Ave. 97006   185th & Alexander near TV Hwy.  Upstairs. Park in Big Lots area; enter on 185th
Parkrose Ballroom  
4848 NE 105th Ave. 97220   NE 105th & Sandy. Upstairs. Park on street or in the shopping center across Sandy, enter on 105th


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Contact Details
EMAIL or call us on 503.241.0460.
BEAVERTON (near Aloha) 3425 SW 185th Ave., 97006
NE PORTLAND (Parkrose) 4848 NE 105th Ave.,97220
Click HERE for location, maps and directions.

We ask that you be feeling 100% or take a sick day.  

We encourage partner changes in classes, but up to the individual.  Events are all-ages.

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