26 Mar March 19th and ongoing Class Cancellations
As of MARCH 19TH DanceWell PDX Schools has cancelled All classes and private lessons. Some private lessons will be available online. Friends of DanceWell DONATIONS LINK ...
As of MARCH 19TH DanceWell PDX Schools has cancelled All classes and private lessons. Some private lessons will be available online. Friends of DanceWell DONATIONS LINK ...
DanceWell PDX Schools -- Covid 19 Cancellations -- and Temporary Class Formats In effort to keep everyone well and feeling safer we have cancelled March classes temporarily. DanceWell classes usually follow the school district closures anyway, and partnering may not be in folks’ best...
💭 How can I tell if emails are malicious emails? Use the "Second to the Last Dot" rule. >>> PAY ATTENTION to your emails. Malicious scammer emails are getting trickier and even more aggressive than in past, using bank names, credit cards and government agencies...
>>> 💭 Health note: PROTECT YOURSELF - PROTECT OTHERS at classes and events you may attend. Here are some common sense actions *Wash hands for 20 secs on arrival and when leaving [enough time to sing the happy birthday song 2x]. No touching your face. Washing hands...
Here are some note for staying healthy at our classes and dance parties. [pdf-embedder url="https://www.dancewellballroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/STAY-HEALTHY-NOTES.pdf" title="STAY HEALTHY NOTES"]...
New classes begin this week! Lots of dancing daytime and evening! Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in Beaverton Tuesdays & Wednesdays in Parkrose Dance parties Tuesdays & Sundays as well as 1st Saturdays and 4th Fridays! [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://www.dancewellballroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/20180831_215448.mp4"][/video]...
Note for November: No classes on Wednesday Nov. 27. Happy Thanksgiving on November 28th. DECEMBER CALENDAR WILL BE ONLINE SOON! New classes will begin on December 1st -- this will be a short month due to holidays, so check the calendar. Want to request a...
EVERYBODY DANCE NIGHT Come on down for a party in Beaverton! 7:30-11pm Mainstream music OUT LOUD: Ballroom, Latin & Swing dancing. PLUS (+) Silent Disco HEADSETS for 3 more channels of music! Blues & West Coast Swing, Dance Pop, Rockabilly & Country. 30-min. Salsa dance lesson, mixers, snacks and beverages,...
Our 5th Annual Medieval Halloween Dance & Masque Ball on October 26th. Costumes not required but fun! Beaverton location 7:30-11pm. Full-on decorating for this dance! The ballroom is set for Medieval times! Ballroom, Latin, Swing & Nightclub music mix out loud, PLUS 3 more playlists only...
Here's a quick note about our Friday October 25th Dance Party. Remember to prepay online. $10 @ door or $7 prepaid ...
DanceWell PDX Schools: May 2022. Please note that our protocols are in flux according to CDC guidelines.
*Online Booking ends 4 hours prior to class. Help us ensure attendance numbers by BOOKING early. Prepay multiple passes for discounts, or RSVP by email or phone and pay full price at the door.
*Preregister & "Opt-in" to DanceWell Agenda Notifications to quickly learn of any changes to your schedule; or check our Calendar/Booking Tool daily.