09 Sep 2 Days and Counting to REUNION 9/11/22
casual outdoor picnic for Ballroom Dancers from 1988 to 2022 [Mostly friends and students of Linda Springstead and the Ballroom Dance Community here in PDX]....
casual outdoor picnic for Ballroom Dancers from 1988 to 2022 [Mostly friends and students of Linda Springstead and the Ballroom Dance Community here in PDX]....
DanceWell Reunion Date changed to Sept. 11...
August Dance Classes and Reunion...
Multipass Unlimited Dance Classes...
Check out Group Dance Classes for July 2022...
Join us for another dancers' reunion, for all students of DanceWell and Linda Springstead from 1988 to 2022. It'll be in a covered area outdoors, near West Linn. No dance floor, just potluck and good ole summertime fun. Sunday 8/14 in the...
2022-04-29FUN-tastic party April 29th! Our celebration of the International Day of Dance was b-u-s-y all night; we stayed open until almost 11 PM with open dancing, mini-lessons, line dancing and drawings. Several of our helpers went above and beyond: Dori Yates with such great nibbles and...
***Dealing with Social Dance Parties*** First, what does Follower mean? In Ballroom dancing there are designations for the 2 dance partners' roles. The "leader" subtly guides and initiates the steps while the "follower" interprets his signals and performs the suggested movements. This post...
Check out the classes for May.And don't forget the FREE DANCE on April 29th Click here to BOOK DanceWell Calendar May ...
DanceWell PDX Schools: May 2022. Please note that our protocols are in flux according to CDC guidelines.
*Online Booking ends 4 hours prior to class. Help us ensure attendance numbers by BOOKING early. Prepay multiple passes for discounts, or RSVP by email or phone and pay full price at the door.
*Preregister & "Opt-in" to DanceWell Agenda Notifications to quickly learn of any changes to your schedule; or check our Calendar/Booking Tool daily.