HOLIDAY EVENTS December 2021 We're holding some different and "last-minute" CHRISTMAS EVENTS this year! 1st:  A POP-UP FRIDAY CHRISTMAS PARTY since our monthly party falls on Christmas Eve this year. FRIDAY DECEMBER 10th in Parkrose 7:30-10PM 2nd:  AN AFTERNOON CHRISTMAS PARTYSATURDAY DECEMBER 18th in Aloha/Beaverton  3-6:30PM Dress: bling or...

September 30, 2021 Reunion Connecting with dance friends from long ago! Yes!  A reunion of that group of some of Linda Springstead’s students and friends who danced around --- and around and around--- the pillar in the old Tigard Dance Studio during the years 1990 till 2009…   Outside...

Friday September 25th BALLROOM L-I-V-E held at Parkrose Ballroom 7:30-9pm   4848 NE 105th Ave.  97005 PREPAY  $10  -- or $15 @ door     ***Attendance LIMITED to 20 Wear your filtration mask, bring your water and a partner, or dance your steps alone for practice. Full mix of music:  Ballroom, Latin, Waltz, Swing,...

Contact Details
EMAIL or call us on 503.241.0460.
BEAVERTON (near Aloha) 3425 SW 185th Ave., 97006
NE PORTLAND (Parkrose) 4848 NE 105th Ave.,97220
Click HERE for location, maps and directions.

We ask that you be feeling 100% or take a sick day.  

We encourage partner changes in classes, but up to the individual.  Events are all-ages.

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