November-December Business Lock-Down
No worries, things will get better and we will reopen our classes and parties just as soon as allowed. Currently in Washington County reopening will be in 2 weeks [DEC. 3rd] and in Multnomah County 1 month [DEC. 16th].
No worries, things will get better and we will reopen our classes and parties just as soon as allowed. Currently in Washington County reopening will be in 2 weeks [DEC. 3rd] and in Multnomah County 1 month [DEC. 16th].
We at DanceWell are a little discouraged over both the refusal of so many to wear filtration masks and equally the government for mandating business shutdowns yet again. Public safety and business continuity are equally important.
People are social creatures, and many will socialize no matter the mandates. We just hope all socializing anywhere will be with masks in place.
Many businesses have limited and distanced their clients, taken temps regularly, enforced masking, encouraged frequent hand-washing, and regularly sanitized. DanceWell studios also have very high ceilings and plenty of windows for ventilation. We don’t take our clients health for granted — and we ask that our state government consider Oregon business health as well as public health, and take each case on individual merits. Not enough workers to enforce the rules? There are lots of unemployed people right now—give them jobs.
To add your complaints about the negative impacts of freezes and closure mandates to Oregon State Health Authority and also to the governor and Oregon congress: https://www.oregon.gov/gov/pages/share-your-opinion.aspx
Best wishes to everyone over the holidays!
Linda Springstead
Linda Springstead
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