Dance Instructor Training

Learn to Dance and Learn to Teach Dance

Ballroom dancer and Teacher Training Program. This is a structured Program for those who wish to learn both LEAD and FOLLOW skills, many of the intricate details that make dancing as a couple work well, and for instructor Training if desired: Ballroom Smooth, Latin Rhythm, Swing, and Nightclub Dances. No partner is necessary. To enroll contact us!

Dancing Both Roles

We spend equal time in class working on both parts, and each student will dance with every other student as both leader and follower, regardless of gender. This is standard practice for professional dance instruction. In order to actually teach a specific dance or figure, you need to be able to describe and demonstrate both the leader’s and follower’s part.

This extensive training program is ideal for those who wish to quickly improve their dancing and knowledge of all partner dances. It also will prepare you to become a certified Ballroom Dance Teacher should you choose.

In this highly-interactive course you and your classmates will learn:

  • To become excellent dancers as both leader and follower
  • Any and all of the 17 dances of the DVIDA Bronze American Syllabus for Smooth, Rhythm, and Night Club dances
  • Technical elements of all the dances
  • Musical elements and history of all the dances
  • How to effectively share your knowledge and teach private & group lessons if desired
  • How to prepare for DVIDA* certification if desired

*DVIDA (Dance Vision International Dance Association) is a member of the National Dance Council of America (NDCA), which is the governing organization for Ballroom Dancing in the United States. DVIDA certification is highly recognized and sought after in the United States by dance studios, boosting your potential for employment and giving you the opportunity to receive a higher salary.

What You Can Expect

In a two month period you will learn the full Bronze Level of the dance (Figures 1-15 of Waltz for example). This includes all the varying elements of each step, the sway, the lead/follow…

Classes meet two hours each week. This is both a class to learn lead and follow as well as a professional level course.  We cover a lot of material at a fast pace. Missing class is not advised, as you can easily fall behind. If you do have to miss a class, arrange to work with one of the other students to help you catch up or schedule private lessons (for an additional private lesson fee) to make up any work you miss.

Because this is also a teaching class, there is a strong emphasis on presentation. You will frequently have the option to present material to the class or demonstrate a figure. Exams for the course are scheduled once every two months. Exams are tests of dancing skills, knowledge and presentation, and an open-book exam.  *not required.  We encourage all trainees to attend the exams. There is much to learn even watching and giving feedback. *See notes about auditing the course below.

Doing well takes dedication and involves a great deal of practice to discover your own personal style and professional manner, and to gain confidence.  One to four hours of practice and study each week for those committed to the process is highly suggested.

You are encouraged to take advantage of the free general practica at DanceWell Social classes and parties, along with your own personal study time and private instruction hours.

*If you miss an exam, you may schedule a make-up exam with Linda (for an additional private lesson fee, usually one-half hour).

Doing well takes dedication and involves a great deal of practice to discover your own personal style and professional manner, and to gain confidence.  One to four hours of practice and study each week for those committed to the process is highly suggested.

You are encouraged to take advantage of the free general practica at DanceWell Social classes and parties, along with your own personal study time and private instruction hours.

*If you miss an exam, you may schedule a make-up exam with Linda (for an additional private lesson fee, usually one-half hour).

Additional Costs

$250 / 4-weeks:  Tuition for the current 4-Month session is (around $31 per class hour). Tuition is due the first class of each new month and includes all other DanceWell social classes and parties. Students who make a late tuition payment will be accessed a $15 late fee. Tuition can be paid in class by check, or with VISA or MASTERCARD.

Up to $ 99 per manual

Not covered in your tuition are the DVIDA Individual manuals required for each dance style: Smooth, Rhythm, and Nightclub, either American style or International style. Ordered through DanceVision (see below).

$ 59
(including shipping) for the  Ballroom Teachers College Workbook This workbook includes materials for ALL 17 dances of the program and is ordered through Dancewell Ballroom.

$ 69.95
it is suggested that you order the book “Teach Like a Pro” from DanceVision.

*Please note that tuition may be increased every January to reflect the current market.

Having a professional look is always important, and also proper dance shoes are literally the foundation for your dancing. Students will be expected to have proper dance shoes.

*There are different styles of dance shoes for different styles of dancing, but most students wear a basic “practice shoe,” a practical and durable suede-soled dancing shoe that is made to be comfortable and wearable for long periods. Some students wear flashier shoes or high heeled dance shoes, but this is a matter of personal comfort.  You can purchase dance shoes from any dance shoe retailer.

Additional Options for Training

If you choose to audit the class, homework presentations and exams are not required, and a Certificate of Completion for the course is not presented. You are requested to attend all of the exams however to provide feedback to others.

The DanceWell Program offers Teacher Trainees the opportunity to assist in classes and top graduates may be offered teaching positions based on the needs of the studio at that time.

Additional Benefits to the Course

Your tuition entitles you to classes, parties and workshops offered by DanceWell. This can include 6 parties monthly and all group classes. You must have the proper skill level for the classes you attend and be able to dance as either Lead or Follow as needed during the class. A complete list of classes and workshops can be found on the CALENDAR page. Celebrity guest workshops taught by visiting teachers are not included.

Other benefits are reduced rates for private instruction and unlimited practice time at the studio.

Media & Texts List by Section

As well as the Training Workbook ordered through DanceWell Ballroom, here is your list of materials, required and optional: DVIDA Manuals ordered through Click on DVIDA Manuals and Charts

Learn how to dance and teach Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango and Viennese Waltz.Required Class Materials: DVIDA Bronze Level American Style Smooth Manual.The DVDS are optional, but recommended for the course

Learn how to dance and teach Rumba, Cha Cha, Bolero, and East Coast Swing Required Class Materials: DVIDA Bronze Level American Style Rhythm Manual. THIS MANUAL INCLUDES ALL DANCES FROM BOTH RHYTHM I AND RHYTHM II SERIES.The DVDS are optional, but recommended for the course

Learn how to dance and teach Merengue, Mambo, Samba, and West Coast Swing Exams one each 2 months.Required Class Materials: Same manual as Bronze Rhythm I above. DVIDA Bronze Level American Style Rhythm Manual.The DVDS are optional, but recommended for the course Bronze

Learn how to dance and teach Salsa, Hustle, Nightclub Two-Step, Lindy Hop & Argentine Tango. Required Class Materials  DVIDA Bronze Level Nightclub Two-Step Manual. DVIDA Bronze Level Salsa “On 1 and On 2” Manual. DVIDA Argentine Tango Manual. Bronze Level Hustle Manual The DVDS are optional, but recommended for the course

One-to-One Training

Tuition is currently $90 per hour to learn the Instruction course privately. This one-to-one training follows the same class plan as the group program, while the benefit of One-to-One Training is that of having less time commitment. Students can schedule at their convenience and finish whenever the lesson plans are complete.

Contact Details
EMAIL or call us on 503.241.0460.
BEAVERTON (near Aloha) 3425 SW 185th Ave., 97006
NE PORTLAND (Parkrose) 4848 NE 105th Ave.,97220
Click HERE for location, maps and directions.

We ask that you be feeling 100% or take a sick day.  

We encourage partner changes in classes, but up to the individual.  Events are all-ages.

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