Hi [Firstname]! We look forward to seeing you on Friday! Registration is now open for NOVEMBER classes –and the Halloween party– after some software issues. The calendar is shown below.

*Youth 15-20 years old: 4/$20 in our Adult classes Register & Prepay Discounts: www.dancewellpdx.com Request a new group class HERE
Can’t book an Intermediate or Advanced level class but have the skills? Contact us linda@dancewellballroom.com –call us on 503-241-0460 or text us at 503-850-0828
__________ Our dance parties include most types of partner dancing: Ballroom, Swing, Latin and Club.
Aloha Grange Ballroom -Beaverton 3425 SW 185th Ave. Beaverton 97006 [185th & Alexander near TV Hwy]
SATURDAYS: 1st Saturdays Ballroom Social SUNDAYS: See schedule for 4th Sunday Ballroom Variety Practice parties. __________
Parkrose Ballroom -NE Portland 4848 NE 105th Ave. 97220 [2nd floor, NE 105th & Sandy]
TUESDAYS: See schedule for Ballroom Variety Practice parties. THURSDAYS DAYTIME: 1st Thursdays Noon Variety Dance FRIDAYS: 4th Friday Ballroom Social
1. You are receiving these newsletters because you are on our Newsletters List. To adjust or cancel, visit your PROFILE>EDIT PROFILE>QUESTION #4 Not receiving TEXT reminders? Check your phone spam folder for this text-only number: (503) 850-0828 2. Want to view our Newsletters online? Click the link for the DanceWell PDX Home page, then click on the BLOG www.dancewellballroom.com 3. Turn Agenda and Account Notifications ON/OFF from Profile > Notifications
–Trouble booking classes quickly?– START ON THE HOME PAGE: WWW.DANCEWELLBALLROOM.COM a. See a 2-month CALENDAR on button #1 b. Login, type the name of the dance in the Search Bar, Register c. Missed the Booking Windows? View DAILY CLASS UPDATES from the Home Page, create an account and pay cash onsite. d. Can’t book a higher level class? There have been changes to the registration system. If you feel you have the skills for an Intermediate or Advanced class, contact Linda’s email to have your Skill Level badge upgraded.
— Issues logging in? Ask for another Welcome Email. Call us on 503-241-0460 or email linda@dancewellballroom.com for help.
Video HELP Tutorials Calendar View ‘Click Here’ Not “techie” ? We’re happy to register for you. Call 503 241 0460 www.dancewellpdx.com