DanceWell REUNION PICNIC 2022 a success on September 11th!

DanceWell REUNION PICNIC 2022 a success on September 11th!

This year our reunion was held at Cooks Park in Tigard. It was a beautiful day in a fantastic location and was great for memories since it also was 9/11. More than 50 enjoyed visiting and getting reacquainted after long absences, making talk talk and meeting new folks too.

KEEP WATCHING! I will be adding more photos as they are ready but here are a couple for now courtesy of Eric Grigsby. Our thanks to Eric for also providing a great DanceWell history slide show of years from 1980’s to 2022.

Many thanks to Caroline Wilson for spending hours greeting people; to Dori Yates, Heidi Hanzlik, Ernest and Tenora Grigsby for being organization and idea-wizards; Rick Davis for being a living “signpost” when I forgot to bring a sign pointing to the reunion; Hillary Beard and Patti Drewry for helping with set-up and clean-up; and many many others for helping out too.

Check out the 2021 reunion in earlier posts.
And heads up! Our next reunion is already planned for the same location, Cooks Park, on September 10, 2023.

Group photo taken at 3:30 PM
Caroline Wilson / Heidi Hanzlik
Contact Details
EMAIL or call us on 503.241.0460.
BEAVERTON (near Aloha) 3425 SW 185th Ave., 97006
NE PORTLAND (Parkrose) 4848 NE 105th Ave.,97220
Click HERE for location, maps and directions.

We ask that you be feeling 100% or take a sick day.  

We encourage partner changes in classes, but up to the individual.  Events are all-ages.

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