DanceWell Home Page Check BLOG for more Newsletters. Landline 503-241-0460 Text: 503-850-0828
Hello DANCE FRIENDS! Here are some special notes about our upcoming events and classes. Remember to Book or RSVP for our special Field Trip events and we’ll hold a spot for you!
One FREE ticket left! Movie SWING KIDS on June 29th at Tomorrow Theater Rick will be teaching a mini-Swing class included just before the showing. BOOK to sit with our group –COME SIT WITH US Regular price: $15 35th and Division at Tomorrow Theater.

Classes This week! In ALOHA Rumba-1 & Foxtrot-2 on Mondays Nightclub 2Step-3 & Quickstep-4 on Wednesdays New! Sunday Times: 5, 6, 7 PM Hustle-1, Bachata-2 and West Coast Swing-3
In PARKROSE Lindy Hop-1, Cha Cha-1 on Tuesdays Hustle-3 & Foxtrot/Swing-2 on Thursdays Bachata-1 & Salsa-2 on Sundays

Rick & Mia Waltz Video -Sesame Club 06-07-2024
Class and event details for this week! MONTHLY CALENDAR VIEW — CHECK DAILY CLASS STATUS — LOG IN


FRIDAY JUNE 28 $10 BALLROOM & VARIETY SOCIAL DANCE [Parkrose Studio 4848 NE 105th] 7:30-10:30 PM. Lesson: Cha Cha. Additional Workshop at 6:30

THURSDAY JULY 4th; NO DANCE 1st THURSDAY AUGUST 1st $5 [Parkrose Studio 4848 NE 105th] NOON-1:30 PM
 SATURDAY JULY 6 $10 BALLROOM & VARIETY SOCIAL DANCE [Aloha Studio -3425 SW 185th] 7:30-10:30 PM

Various TUESDAYS $5 BALLROOM/LATIN/SWING/CLUB PRACTICE PARTY [Parkrose Studio -4848 NE 105th] 8:45-10 PM
Interested in an Event? Get more INFO & Prepay for Discounts Online. *See Video Booking Tutorials. Booking for self and partners, Online Store, Lessons…
*Request a Class to be taught. Or get info about Group Dance Classes.
Book a class series or event Online: DANCEWELL > click the red Calendar button > then Click the direct link to the Class. “Dropping In” in to a Class? Create a DanceWell Account > On your profile page add your partners and your CC info. From DANCEWEL HOME PAGE, CLICK the red DAILY CLASS STATUS button 3-6 hours before the class start. No need to log in.
Adjust your email and text notifications from your PROFILE DETAILS page and also your EDIT PROFILE page, question #4. Adjust for your partner if using the same email address. Or call us on 503-241-0460 or email Best to turn off Newsletter Notifications from your Edit Profile page so you can continue to receive personal emails
Earlybird discounts end 48 Hours before 1st Class Dropin pricing: $15 Daytime or $20 Evenings Monthly Membership: 3-Month Unlimited Membership for $110/mo. Private coaching is available most days of the week.
Those listed for ALL THE NEWS receive this Newsletter in their mailbox. Change settings PROFILE > EDIT PROFILE